Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Buy Nothing Day

I am trying to keep my 10 000¥ bills in my bank account, and so, without much to do, the posts continue. I just wanted to add onto to something I wrote a few days ago about Hirofumi accepting the darkness in his lunchroom. I forgot to make a point that I first heard in a speech by Paul Watson (of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society), which is that humans learn to adapt to diminishing returns & conditions, and this ability also means that we come to accept unjust or destructive conditions. He made a good point with a trite example like bottled water, which 50 years would have seemed outrageous to almost anyone, and is an industry that is supported by the perception that our reserves of tap water are polluted and unhealthy, which is something that a few hundred years ago would have been even more outrageous.

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